ForumAlpha Feedback › What can we test?

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Gomisan 06-04-2014, 12:12 CET

Total Posts: 11
What can we test?

I've just finished a full play through and enjoyed the game a lot.

There's a few things I could give feedback on, but they seem pretty obvious and most have been covered by others already, so what I really want to know is.. what mre can I do?

I'm not asking for more gameplay.. I'm asking what testing can i do. Are there certain things you want us to try? How can I help test further?

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Björn 06-04-2014, 12:56 CET

Total Posts: 8

That is a really good question.

We thre that beast out and already feared to get slaughtered all over the place (which is why we kept it so long for us. We could have released a version weeks ago, but we felt that it wasn't really ready for anyone. Actually we thought that about this version as well, but it seems we were wrong). Any Feedback is welcome. If it has been said already and you feel you cannot add a cent or two, that is also fine. If you really feel that something important has to be said twice, that is also fine.

With the new week ahead, we will soon have more for you all to test. This week we will try to get the Mac vesion ready. But also we'd like to hand out the first version of the Editor (as we plan to have more tools, eveyone should note that this one will "just" include the levelmediting things, do not expect too much out of it) - and that one will be interesting.

We'd lve to see feedback on that one. However, to add that, our focus on making things better, will bemon the game. For example if someone thinks that some functions are hard to use or uncomfortable, well, that will have to wait a bit. We will note it, but it will be a secondary prio. Te reason for that is simple: thze game must be fun. End of the story. The Editor, in first place, must work. Ad if it does but is hard to use here and there, it still works. Just as a little explanation ;)

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Gomisan 06-04-2014, 13:04 CET

Total Posts: 11

Sounds great. I built a persistant world using the NWN editor and a lot of scripting, but its been a long time since I played with that sort of thing. It doesnt have to be polsihed, or easy, just functional :)

I'll add my feedback onteh game in general in the other thread more suited to that... though I may play it through once more before I do so.



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Shanga@BP 06-04-2014, 13:37 CET

Total Posts: 168

The little devil on my left shoulder that likes to mod games till they break would very much like to keep poking at the code, but until we have access to item_IDs (or more ready-made items) there's little we can play with. 

I for one will do a couple of more offline playthroughs and try to report bugs as they happen, through the FEEDBACK button. Hopefully that captures the sector data and more specific info on the bug than I could describe with words. If it doesn't, it should.

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