ForumJagged Alliance: Flashback General › Anyway a prior Green Beret can contribute?

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Geronimo51 24-06-2014, 23:37 CET

Total Posts: 10
Anyway a prior Green Beret can contribute?

First off I am not that washed up guy here to tell it how it is.  Games are meant to be fun, not some ultra realistic drag.  I am also not the end all be all gun or combat expert... More like a jack of all trades.

JA2 was no kidding a small part of my inspiration to join up and go for Special Forces... A bigger part was family that had done it and the desire to do bad things to bad people and liberate the oppressed.  I spent a little under 4 years on an ODA (operational detachment alpha of A team).  I have friends in the contracting business as well... And have trained foreign fighters in abroad to fight with leading, training and advising in actual combat.  

I am not a game designer (but have done some coding in the past- again jack of all trades, master of none).  That said, this game looks bad ass!!! I can't wait. I am saving up to buy the early access on steam and contribute that way since I missed the kick starter.

Why am I bothering? Someone mentioned in another thread that I should start one... Also I would love to contribute and dont know how else. Should this be in the wish list thread?

TL;DR​​​ Ex Green Beret wants to contribute... Saving up to buy early access (I am switching to an IT career on a budget suppoting a family :-)

The first question was about the turn based system. I think as long as it has overwatch and interrupt elements it will work great... I think this is a given already. So let me know...


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JAF Admin 25-06-2014, 10:36 CET
Super Administrator

Total Posts: 665

Don't know if I've sdaid this earlier, but having people do coding for a game is  not all that strightforward, but as we have opened up for modding already. You should have great possibilities to make your own contributions to the game. 

Check out the Modding Guide.

Else we have a Trash Item and a Sector competition running right now..also a way to contribute. 

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Geronimo51 25-06-2014, 15:08 CET

Total Posts: 10

Awesome. I'll take a look. I figured you had to be a coding guru to help out. If I can do it I will!

I suppose what I was thinking was technical advice about the world of unconventional warfare, if there is anyone from the Dev team or modders or anyone really with questions I'd love to help you out.

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idiot 03-10-2014, 18:24 CET

Total Posts: 5


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Geronimo51 04-10-2014, 18:40 CET

Total Posts: 10

Well, idiot (:-), I suppose the breivty of your message is such as to no allow time to have hit the shift key to capitalize the 'n' or hit the period key. Like I said, someone in another thread had mentioned starting one. Of course when I did they are no where to be found.
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Chaos Theory 13-10-2014, 16:38 CET

Total Posts: 3

Geronimo, I appreciate your service, but as you can see, gamer threads are pretty ruthless.  Only heroes here are pixels...

I hope you enjoy the game, but it appears we're going to be a bit disappointed if we continue to expect a JA2-like experience off the bat.  Hopefully the modders will add some stuff to make it better.

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