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Fulipes 17-01-2014, 06:34 CET

Total Posts: 3
Throwing gear

You can throw knives, and you can throw grenades. What I've missed in many games (turn-based or not) is the ability to throw gear at my team mates.

It's not a rare situation where my merc runs out of ammo, or starts bleeding in a position where I can't just send another merc to save him (due to risking lives of both or even the whole squad). And I'm not talking (writing) about long range item switching between inventories, but an actual throw which can end up in the wrong place if the merc throwing was the last kid to be picked for baseball team in gym class.

Just an idea, which could be quite easy to implement while "this early" into development?

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nakano 17-01-2014, 07:10 CET

Total Posts: 23

If I remember correctly in JA2 you could pass/throw ammos, weapons and any stuff anywhere or directly to your mercs (may not directly land to him/her). It's a good feature.

When I read the title, I assumed you wanted to throw a complete gear like backpack including all the items in there. Well maybe that also could be possible.

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Fulipes 17-01-2014, 07:29 CET

Total Posts: 3

Quoted nakano:

If I remember correctly in JA2 you could pass/throw ammos, weapons and any stuff anywhere or directly to your mercs (may not directly land to him/her). It's a good feature.


I never played JA2, only JA: Deadly Games and many similar since.

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iiiVaLOiii 17-01-2014, 09:58 CET

Total Posts: 13

sure you can throw/pass stuff in JA2. 

Items also had weight but I actually have no idea if some ammo compared to let's say a rifle or tool box could be thrown farther or not..

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Hendrik3 17-01-2014, 13:03 CET

Total Posts: 6

Lighter objects could be thrown farther. An ammo clip was easier to toss to a team mate than a tool box, which often would only be thrown 2 tiles away. I think the strength of a merc also mattered in this.

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Roman 17-01-2014, 14:58 CET

Total Posts: 35

one of my most memroably moments in JA2 was a situation as follows. dimitri being under heavy fire from three enemies standing close to each other. me thinking - who has got the grenades? ofc, not dimitri. 

so, i threw a grenade to dimitri at the start of my turn from another merc that had the grenades - ofc dimitri did not catch it, but instead he took 1 point of dmg from getting a unarmed grenade bump into his head. anyhow, he picked it up, armed the grenade and threw it at his adversaries after that. what a great feeling that this was possible!


having said that, yes, i really want the feature to be in. again, its a matter of prioritization, and throwing gear is not that fundamental to the core game - so dont expect it to be implemented in the near future.

cheers, roman



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CanadianMike 17-01-2014, 20:22 CET

Total Posts: 16

Quoted Roman:

but instead he took 1 point of dmg from getting a unarmed grenade bump into his head.

Ya, I had that once. Only did I forgot to check his energy bar, so the grenade that hit him made him unconscious :D


Anyhow, in JA2 you could pass/throw stuff and you would even get strength points for catching and throwing.

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TBA 18-01-2014, 10:08 CET

Total Posts: 1

Hi folks,

what do you think about throwing gear at enemies as an alternative attack? i.e. not knives or grenades but helmets or (empty) guns:

Such a move could  stun the enemy in close-combat situations when you have few actions points.

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